Roofing Safety – Module ID 16102


Overview Roofing work involves handling hazardous materials and lifting heavy objects, as well as working at elevated locations, near power lines, and around fire hazards. Carefully considering and accounting for these hazards before and during a roofing project ensures roofing professionals’ safety. Most construction injuries and deaths are caused by falls. It is crucial to be familiar with and use a variety of fall protection systems when on the job

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Learning Objective 1 – Successful completion of this module prepares trainees to: Identify roofing hazards in addition to related safety considerations and practices.

  • Explain the purpose of a job safety analysis (JSA).
  • Classify types of personal protective equipment (PPE) and explain when they should be used.
  • Describe proper housekeeping practices on a jobsite to ensure public safety. d.Designate proper lifting and material-handling techniques.

Learning Objective 2 – Successful completion of this module prepares trainees to: Express how to handle, transport, store, and work safely around hazardous materials.

  • Illustrate hazard communication requirements.
  • Describe fire protection and prevention methods.
  • Identify safety concerns and precautions associated with adhesives and solvents.

Learning Objective 3 – Successful completion of this module prepares trainees to: Illustrate fall protection methods.

  • Classify systems used for fall protection.
  • Explain fall protection in low- and steep-slope roofing.
  • Describe safety procedures for ladder inspection and setup.

Performance Tasks

  • Find personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements on a safety data sheet (SDS).
  • Select the correct type of gloves to use on a given task.
  • Properly don a personal fall arrest system (PFAS).

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