Reinforcing Concrete – Module 27304

Reinforcing Concrete – Module 27304


Module ID 27304 – Explains the selection and uses of different types of reinforcing materials. Describes requirements for bending, cutting, splicing, and tying reinforcing steel and the placement of steel in footings and foundations, walls, columns, and beams and girders.

Points awarded on Course Completion – 15

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SKU: 27304 Category: Tags: ,



Learning Objective 1 • List applications of reinforced concrete.

  • Describe how forces are resisted in concrete through the use of reinforcing bars.
  • List applications for reinforced structural concrete.
  • Discuss how posttensioned concrete is created.

Learning Objective 2 • Describe the general requirements for working with reinforcing steel, including tools, equipment, and fabricating methods.

  • List general safety precautions when working with reinforcing steel.
  • Describe the general characteristics of reinforcing steel.
  • cDiscuss how reinforcing steel is fabricated.
  • Explain the purpose of bar supports.
  • Explain how welded-wire fabric reinforcement is used to reinforce concrete.

Learning Objective 3 • Describe methods by which reinforcing bars may be bent and cut in the field.

  • Describe how to cut rebar.
  • Describe how to bend rebar.

Learning Objective 4 • Explain the methods for placing reinforcing steel.

  • Discuss the proper method for tying and splicing reinforcing steel.
  • Explain the proper procedure for placing reinforcing steel.

Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 (Learning Objective 3) • Use appropriate tools to cut and bend reinforcing bars.

Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 4) • Demonstrate five types of ties for reinforcing bars.

Performance Task 3 (Learning Objective 4) • Demonstrate proper lap splicing of reinforcing bars using wire ties. Performance Task 4 (Learning Objective 4) • Demonstrate the proper placement, spacing, tying, and support for reinforcing bars.


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