Fuel Gas and Fuel Oil Systems – Module ID 02211

Fuel Gas and Fuel Oil Systems – Module ID 02211


Module Eleven (02211-13) provides trainees with an introduction to the techniques required for the safe handling of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and fuel oil, and also reviews fuel gas and fuel oil safety precautions and potential hazards, applications, systems installation, and testing.

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SKU: 02211 Category: Tag:



Learning objective 1 – Identify the safety precautions and potential hazards associated with fuel systems.

  • Identify the safety precautions and potential hazards of natural gas.
  • Identify the safety precautions and potential hazards of LP gas.
  • Identify the safety precautions and potential hazards of fuel oil.

Learning objective 2 – Identify the major components of fuel systems:

  • Identify the properties and uses of natural gas.
  • Identify the properties and uses of LP gas (liquefi ed petroleum gas).
  • Identify the properties and uses of fuel oil.

Learning objective 3 – Apply local codes to various fuel gas systems.

  • Identify proper fuel gas connection techniques.
  • Size, purge, and test fuel gas systems.

Performance Tasks

Performance task 1 (Learning objective 3) – Properly connect appliances to the fuel gas system.

Performance task 2 (Learning objective 3) – Perform an air test or visual inspection of a connected fuel gas system.

Performance task 3 (Learning objective 3) – Size and purge a fuel gas system.

Performance task 4 (Learning objective 3) – Verify pressure of a fuel gas system, using a manometer.

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