- Statehowasupervisor’sperformanceisevaluated. Identify the challenges that the transition in to supervision brings.
- List the resources, techniques, and characteristics a successful leader uses to get the job done.
- State the advantages of using various approaches to lead people effectively.
- Communicate effectively.
- Complete a task analysis.
- Name nine essential elements on a job orientation checklist.
- List the six steps for on-the-job training.
- Explain the nine steps for conducting a performance appraisal.
- Identify the root causes of performance problems and how to handle conflict.
- 1Explain how moving up the management ladder affects a supervisor’s ownership of time.
- Construct a “To Do List” for on-the-job use.
- Explain the nature of managerial decision making and problem solving.
- Determine the relationship between problem solving and decision making.
- Identify environmental influences on decision making.
- Cite the advantages and disadvantages of group involvement in decision making.
- Distinguish between routine (programmed) and non-routine (non-programmed) decisions.
- Describe the critical role of implementation and evaluation on future actions.