Principles of Site and Building Layout – Module ID 27114

Principles of Site and Building Layout – Module ID 27114


Principles of Site and Building Layout – Module 27114,  introduces trainees to the basics of site and building layout. It starts by introducing trainees to the primary construction drawings used in site and building layout, then describes the math, tools, and methods required for performing basic site layout tasks.

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Learning Objective 1 – Explain how construction drawings are used in site and building layout.

  • Summarize tasks performed during site and building layout.
  • Describe the types of construction drawings used to lay out a building site.

Learning Objective 2 – Understand fundamental construction math concepts and right triangle calculations used in site layout.

  • Explain how angles, shapes, and the Pythagorean Theorem are used in site and building layout.

Learning Objective 3 – Describe measuring and leveling tools used in performing site and building layout.

  • Identify measuring tools and their applications.
  • Describe leveling tools and their applications.
  • Describe site layout instruments and equipment.

Learning Objective 4 – Explain how to measure horizontal and vertical distances, establish building lines, and verify corners are square.

  • Describe how to measure horizontal and vertical distances.
  • Summarize how to establish building lines with batter boards and verify corners are square.

Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 – (Learning Objective 3) Demonstrate the ability to use common measuring and leveling tools.

Performance Task 2 – (Learning Objective 3) Use a water level, builder’s level, laser level, or transit level to determine elevations and angles.

Performance Task 3 – (Learning Objective 4) Use the 3-4-5 rule or Pythagorean Theorem to verify that intersecting walls are square.

Course Sessions


Book Index

1.0.0   Construction Drawings for Site and Building Layout

1.1.0   Site and Building Layout Basics

1.1.1   Site and Building Layout Activities

1.1.2   Level, Plumb, and Square

1.2.0   Construction Drawings

1.2.1   Topographic survey Maps and Control Points

1.2.2   Site Plans

1.2.3   Foundations Plans

1.0.0   Section Review

2.0.0   Site and Building Layout Math

2.1.0   Math Conversions and Augular Measurements

2.1.1   Converting Decimal Feet to Feet and Inches

2.1.3   Pints and Lines

2.1.4   Angles

2.1.5   Polygons

2.1.6   Triangles

2.1.7   Working with Right Trangles

2.1.8   Using the Pythagorean Theorem

2.1.9   Converting Angular Measurements

2.0.0   Section Review

3.0.0   Measuring and Leveling Tools

3.1.0   Measuring Toos and Equipment

3.1.1   Tripods

3.1.2   Wooden Folding Rules

3.1.3   Measuring Tapes

3.1.4   Plumb Bobs and Gammon Reels

3.1.5   Chaining Pins

3.1.6   Accessories and Stakes

3.2.0   Leveling Instruments and Equipment

3.2.1   Hand Sight Levels

3.2.2   Leveling Rods

3.2.3   Automatic Levels

3.3.4   Laser Levels

3.3.5   Digital Theodolites

3.3.6   Electonic transit Levels and Theodolities

3.3.7   Electronic Distance-Measurement Instruments

3.3.8   Total Statins

3.3.9   GPS Survey Devices

3.3.10  Care and Handling of Leveling Instruments

3.3.11  Communicating with Hand Signals

3.0.0   Section Review

4.0.0   Jobsite Layout

4.1.0   Measuring Horizontal and Vertical Distances

4.1.1   Measuring Horizontal Distances

4.1.2   Measuring Vertial Distances

4.2.0   Establishing Building Lines Batter Boards, and Square Angles

4.2.1   Laying Out Building Lines Using the Traditional Method

4.2.2   Establishing Building Lines with Batter Boards

4.2.3   Squaring Angles

4.0.0   Section Review

Module 27114 Review Questions

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