Floor Systems – Module ID 27105

Floor Systems – Module ID 27105


Floor Systems (Module 27105) describes the layout and construction procedures for floor systems, including how to read and interpret construction drawings and specifications, and how to identify different types of fram- ing systems, floor system components, and floor system materials. It also covers how to estimate the amount of materials needed for a floor assembly.

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Learning Objective 1 – Describe specifications and construction drawings that specify floor system requirements.

  • Summarize how specifications and architectural drawings are used in the construction of a floor.

Learning Objective 2 – Identify the types of floor framing systems.

  • Describe the types of wood-frame flooring systems.
  • List alternative flooring systems.

Learning Objective 3 – Identify floor system components and required material quantities.

  • Define sill plate and describe its role in floor framing.
  • List and recognize different types of girders and supports.
  • Describe different types of floor joists.
  • Explain the purposes of subfloor and underlayment.
  • Estimate the amount of material needed for a floor assembly.

Learning Objective 4 – Describe how to construct a platform floor assembly.

  • List the steps used to build a floor assembly.

Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 (Learning Objective 3) – Estimate the amount of material needed to frame a floor assembly from a set of plans.

Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 4) – Lay out and construct a floor assembly, including a rough opening and subfloor material.

Course Sessions

Session One covers reading specifications and drawings to determine floor system requirements.

1. Show Session One PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Discuss what is included in written specifications.

3. Explain and demonstrate how to interpret architectural drawings.

4. Demonstrate how to interpret a typical wall section.

5. Discuss the interpretation of structural drawings, MEP plans, and prints.

Session Two introduces framing system terminology and different types of frames.

1. Show Session Two PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Discuss framing system terminology.

3. Discuss platform frames.

4. Discuss balloon frames.

5. Discuss fire stops.

6. Discuss post-and-beam frames.

Session Three introduces some floor system components.

1. Show Session Three PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Discuss floor system component terminology, the purpose of floor systems, and information provided about them in prints and specifications.

3. Discuss the use and Installation of sill plates. 4. Identify the different types of girders and supports. 5. Discuss the spacing required between posts or columns, and discuss post caps and anchors.

Session Four introduces floor joists, bridging, and subfloors.

1. Show Session Four PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Explain the purposes of and installation of floor joists.

3. Discuss the different kinds of joists.

4. Discuss floor trusses.

5. Explain the purpose and types of bridging.

6. Discuss the different types of subfloors and their uses.

Session Five covers checking a foundation for squareness, and sill plate and girder installation.

1. Show Session Five PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Introduce the sequence of constructing a platform floor assembly.

3. Explain and demonstrate how to check a foundation for squareness.

4. Explain and demonstrate how to install a sill plate.

5. Explain and demonstrate how to install a girder.

Session Six covers laying out sill plates and girders, when additional joists are needed, installation of rim joists and floor joists, and framing floor openings.

1. Show Session Six PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Explain and demonstrate how to lay out sill plates and girders for joists.

3. Discuss additional joists needed to accommodate loadbearing partitions, floor openings, and so on.

4. Explain and demonstrate how to install rim joists and floor joists.

5. Review the procedure for framing an opening.

Session Seven covers installation of crossbridging, solid bridging, subfloors, and joists for cantilevered floors.

1. Show Session Seven PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Discuss the installation of wood crossbridging, metal cross-bridging, and solid bridging.

3. Explain how to install a subfloor.

4. Introduce the installation of joists for cantilevered floors.

Session Eight introduces estimating the amount of materials needed for a floor assembly.

1. Show Session Eight PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Discuss the items included in a material takeoff for a floor system.

3. Explain and demonstrate how to determine the amount of sill plate, sill sealer, and/or termite shield required.

4. Explain and demonstrate how to determine the quantity of girder material needed.

5. Explain and demonstrate how to determine the number of floor joists needed in a frame and the amount of material needed for the header joists.

6. Explain and demonstrate how to calculate the total amount of bridging needed.

7. Explain and

Session Nine introduces some common alternative floor systems.

1. Show Session Nine PowerPoint® presentation slides.

2. Discuss some common alternative floor systems.

3. Discuss the method of casting and precasting concrete floors.

4. Discuss access floors.

Session Ten is a review and testing session. Have trainees complete the module Review Questions and Trade Terms Quiz. (Alternatively, these may be assigned as homework at the end of Session Nine.) Answer any questions that trainees may have.

1. Have trainees complete the Module Examination. Any outstanding performance testing must be completed during this session.

2. Record the testing results on Training Report Form 200, and submit the report to your Training Program Sponsor.

Book Index

1.0.0   Reading Construction Drawings

1.1.0   Specifications and Drawings

1.1.1   Specifications

1.1.2   Architectural Drawings

1.1.3   Structural Drawings

1.1.4   Reading Prints

1.0.0 Sectin Review

2.0.0   Framing Suystems

2.1.0   Wood-Frame Structures

2.1.1   Platform Frame

2.1.2   Ballon Frame

2.1.3   Post-and-Beam Frame

1.0.0   Secton Review

3.0.0   Floor System Components

3.1.0   Sill Platess

3.1.1   Sill Plate Installation

3.2.0   Beams/Girders and Supports

3.2.1   Solid Lumber Girders

3.2.2   Built-Up lumber Girders

3.2.3   Engineered Wood Girders

3.2.4   Steel I-Beams

3.2.5   Beam/ Girder Supports

3.2.6   Guidlines for Sizing Girders and Joists

3.3.0   Floor Joists

3.3.1   Notching and Drilling of Wood Joists

3.3.2   Wood I-Joist

3.3.3   Sizing Joists

3.3.4   Floor Trusses

3.3.5   Bridging

3.4.0   Subfloors

3.4.1   Pluywood or OSB Subfloors

3.4.2   Manufcturd-Panel Subfloors

3.4.3   Board Subfloors

3.5.0   Estimating th Quantities of Floor Matrials

3.5.1   Estimating Sill Plate, Sill Sealer, and Termite Shield

3.5.2   Beams/ Birderws

3.5.3   Joists and Rim Joists

3.5.4   Bridging

3.5.5   Subfloor

3.0.0   Section Review

4.0.0   Construction Floor Systems

4.1.0   Building the Floor

4.1.1   Checking the Foundation for Squareness

4.1.2   Installing Sill Plates

4.1.3   Installing a Bem/ Girder

4.1.4   Laying out Sill Plates and Girders for Floor Joist

4.1.5   Layiong Out and Installing Floor Joist for Partitions and Floor Openings

4.1.6   Installing Bridging

4.1.7   Installing Subfloor

4.0.0   Sectin Review

Module 27105 Review Questions

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