Learning Objective 1 – Identify the components necessary to properly install a suspended ceiling system.
- Identify the system components necessary to properly frame a suspended ceiling system.
- Identify the suspension systems and hardware necessary to properly install a suspended ceiling system.
- Identify the safe material handling and storage procedures required when installing a suspended ceiling system.
Learning Objective 2 – Interpret a reflected ceiling plan.
- Interpret the layout information. b. Interpret the MEP locations.
Learning Objective 3 – Identify the procedures to lay out and install a suspended ceiling system.
- Identify the layout and takeoff procedures to procure materials to lay out and install a suspended ceiling system.
- Identify the tools and equipment to lay out and install a suspended ceiling system.
- Identify the installation methods and procedures for a suspended ceiling system.
Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 (Learning Objective 2) – Estimate the quantities of materials needed to install a lay-in suspended ceiling system in a typical room from an instructor-supplied drawing.
Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 3) – Establish a level line at ceiling level such as is required when installing the wall angle for a suspended ceiling.
Performance Task 3 (Learning Objective 3) – Lay out and install a lay-in suspended ceiling system according to an instructor-supplied drawing.