Learning Objective 1 – Complete calculations pertaining to angular measurements.
- Identify common elements of plane geometry.
- Use the Pythagorean theorem and right-
triangle trigonometry to determine unknown values.
- Convert angular measurements stated in decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds, and vice versa.
Learning Objective 2 – Identify, safely use, and properly care for site- layout tools and instruments.
- List safety hazards associated with site layout.
- Identify distance measurement tools and equipment.
- Identify site-layout instruments and equipment.
- Describe the use of GPS devices for construction projects.
- Describe the initial setup and adjustment of a transit level or theodolite.
Learning Objective 3 – Lay out building lines using traditional and radial layout techniques.
- Describe field checks for surveying instruments.
- Explain how to measure distances by taping.
- Describe how to measure horizontal and vertical angles.
- Explain how to lay out building lines.
- Describe additional distance and direction systems as they pertain to building layout.
Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 (Learning Objective 1) – Perform calculations pertaining to angular
Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 2) – Identify, safely use, and properly care for site-
layout tools and instruments.
Performance Task 3 (Learning Objective 2) – Read transit level/theodolite scales and
Performance Task 4 (Learning Objective 3) – Use a transit level to lay out building lines using traditional and radial layout techniques.