Learning Objective 1 – Describe the responsibilities of the carpenter relative to construction drawings, control points, and hand signals.
- Read and interpret a set of civil plans and how they relate to elevations on a job site.
- Identify the types of control points and explain their use on a job site.
- Describe how to use hand signals to communicate.
Learning Objective 2 – Recognize, use, and properly care for tools and equipment associated with differential leveling.
- Identify the instruments commonly used for differential leveling.
- Explain how to set up and calibrate a leveling instrument.
- Explain how to use a builder’s level and differential-leveling procedures to determine site and building elevations.
Learning Objective 3 – Record site-layout data and information in field notes using accepted practices.
Learning Objective 4 – Describe the applications involving differential leveling.
- Explain how to transfer an elevation up a structure.
- Discuss applications for profile, cross-section, and grid leveling.
Performance Task
Performance Task 1 – Set up, adjust, and field-test leveling instruments.
Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 2) – Convert measurements given in feet and inches to equivalent decimal measurements stated in feet, tenths, and hundredths, and vice versa.
Performance Task 3 (Learning Objective 2) – Use a builder’s level, leveling rods, and/or laser level with appropriate differential-leveling procedures to determine site and building elevations.
Performance Task 4 (Learning Objective 3) – Record differential-leveling data in field notes in accordance with accepted procedures.
Performance Task 5 (Learning Objective 4) – Use differential-leveling procedures to transfer elevations up a structure.