Introduction to Site Layout – Module ID 78101-04


(Module ID 78101-04) Provides an overview of the site layout trade and related tasks. Covers the use of the builder’s level and leveling rods, as well as the equipment and procedures for making distance measurements by taping (chaining). Also covers the elements of professional conduct, safety, and communications. Briefly describes the aspects of an apprenticeship program and the career path and professional opportunities related to the site layout trade

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SKU: 78101-04 Category: Tag:



1. State the purpose of site layout and describe the role of a site layout technician in the construction industry.

2. Describe the different kinds of surveys related to a construction project.

3. Explain the relationship between Earth’s latitude and longitude lines and how these lines are used.

4. Define the various survey control points used in the process of site layout.

5. Explain the meaning of terminology used in site layout.

6. Identify the career opportunities available to people in the site layout field.

7. State the rules for the professional and ethical conduct of a site layout person.

8. Set up a builder’s level, shoot an elevation, and properly record the data.

9. Take an inverted rod reading.

10. Chain a distance on even terrain and correctly record the data.

11. Use a plumb bob correctly.

12. Set up a tripod correctly.

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