Introduction to HVAC – Module ID 03101-13

Introduction to HVAC – Module ID 03101-13


Module ID 03101-13 provides a broad introduction to the world of the HVAC technician. The most basic operating principles of HVAC systems are presented along with a review of technician licensing and trade-governing regulations. The final portion of the module describes potential career paths for the well-trained HVAC technician.

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Learning objective 1 • Explain the basic principles of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration.

a.Explain the principles of heating.

b. Explain the principles of ventilation.

c. Explain the principles of air conditioning.

d. Explain the principles of refrigeration.

Learning objective 2 • Describe the principles that guide HVAC/R installation and service techniques.

a. Identify common safety principles and organizations.

b. Describe the importance of LEED construction and energy management.

c. Describe trade licensing and certifi cation requirements.

d. Identify important codes and permits.

Learning objective 3 • Identify career paths available in the HVAC/R trade.

a. Identify the responsibilities and characteristics needed to be a successful HVAC/R technician.

b. Identify residential, commercial, and industrial career opportunities.

c. Describe opportunities provided by equipment manufacturers.

Performance Tasks

This is a knowledge-based module; there are no performance tasks.

Course Sessions

Session One introduces trainees to the basic principles of HVAC/R systems and some of the guiding principles of trade safety, LEED construction, and energy management.

1. Show Session One PowerPoint® slides.

2. Use the Kickoff Activity to get trainees engaged and introduce them to the subject matter.

3. Use both lecturing and visual aids to present the topics of the session.

4. Emphasize the important role of the HVAC technician in maintaining indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Session Two covers HVAC trade licensing and certification, as well as an introduction to building codes and permits.

The potential career paths for the well-trained technician are also explored.

1. Show Session Two PowerPoint® slides.

2. Explain licensure requirements for technicians and contractors.

3. Present information regarding refrigerants and the environment.

4. Talk about building codes and permits.

5. Present trainees with a variety of HVAC career options and review USDOL statistics on the trade.

Session Three is a review and testing session. Have trainees complete the Module Review Questions and Trade Terms Quiz. (Alternatively, these may be assigned as homework at the end of Session Two.)

Go over the Module Review Questions in class and answer any questions that the trainees may have.

1. Have trainees complete the written examination.

2. Record the testing results on NCCER National Registry, and submit the report to your Training Program Sponsor.

Book Index

1.0.0   HVAC/R Principles

1.1.0   Heating

1.2.0   Ventilation

1.3.0   Air Conditioning

1.4.0   Refrigeration

2.0.0   guiding Principles for HVAC/R Service Technicians

2.1.0   Safety

2.2.0   Energy Conservation and LEED Construction Principles

2.2.1     LEED Program

2.3 0   Licensing and Certification

2.3.1   EPA Certification

2.4.0   Codes and Permit

3.0.0   Careers in HVAC/R

3.1.0   Employee Reslponsibilities and haraqcteristics

3.1.1   Professionalism

3.1.2   Honesty

3.1.3   Loyalty

3.1.4   Loyalty

3.1.4   Willingness to Learn

3.1.5   Willingness to Take Responsibility

3.1.6   Willingness to Cooperate

3.1.7   Tardiness and Absenteeism

3.2.0   Career Opportunities

3.2.1   Residential. Light Commercial

3.2.2   ommercial/ Light Commercial

3.2.2   Commercial. Industrial

3.2.3   HVAC/R Training

3.3.0   Opportunities in Manufacturing

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