Exterior Finishing – Module 27204-13

Exterior Finishing – Module 27204-13


Module Three (27204-13) covers the various types of exterior finish materials and their installation procedures, including wood, metal, vinyl, and fiber-cement siding.

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Learning Objective 1 – Describe the safety hazards when working with exterior finish materials.

  • Identify safety hazards that are present when working at elevations.
  • Describe safety hazards when working with hand and power tools, equipment, and exterior finish materials.

Learning Objective 2 – Describe the various types and applications of exterior finish materials.

  • Identify the types of wood siding.
  • Identify vinyl and metal siding materials and components.
  • List applications for fiber-cement siding.
  • Discuss the types of veneer finishes.
  • List specialty exterior finishes.
  • Explain the purpose of flashing.

Learning Objective 3 – Explain how to install exterior finish materials.

  • Describe surface preparation that must be performed prior to installing exterior finish materials.
  • Discuss the types of furring and insulation that might be applied to exterior walls.
  • Explain how to establish a straight reference line.
  • Describe how to install wood siding.
  • Describe how to install vinyl and metal siding.
  • Describe how to install fiber-cement siding.
  • Explain how to install cornices.

Learning Objective 4 – Describe the estimating procedure for exterior finish projects.

  • Explain how to perform a takeoff on panel and board siding.

Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 (Learning Objective 3) – Install three of the most common siding types in your area.

Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 4) – Estimate the amount of lap or panel siding required for a structure.


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