Learning Objective 1 • Describe how to properly prepare and solder copper tubing.
- Describe the proper use of the PPE, tools, and materials needed to solder copper tubing.
- Describe how to prepare materials for soldering.
- Describe how to solder copper tubing.
Learning Objective 2 • Describe how to properly prepare and braze copper tubing.
- Describe the proper use of the PPE, tools, and materials needed to braze copper tubing.
- Describe how to prepare the equipment and materials for brazing.
- Describe how to braze copper to copper as well as to dissimilar metals.
Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 (Learning Objective 1) • Properly set up and shut down air-acetylene equipment.
Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 1) • Properly prepare and solder copper tubing in various planes, using various fittings.
Performance Task 3 (Learning Objective 2) • Properly set up and shut down oxyfuel equipment.
Performance Task 4 (Learning Objective 2) • Properly prepare and braze copper tubing in various planes, using various fittings