Ceiling Joist and Roof Framing – Module ID 27112-13

Ceiling Joist and Roof Framing – Module ID 27112-13


Module Seven (27112-13) provides an overview of ceiling and roof framing, including the components of ceiling and roof framing, the different types of roofs used in residential construction, and the use of trusses in basic roof framing. The methods for laying out rafters, erecting a gable roof, framing a basic gable end wall, and installing roof sheathing are introduced. It also provides instruction on how to estimate the amount of materials needed for a material takeoff for a roof.

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Learning Objective 1 – Identify the components of ceiling framing.

  • Describe the correct procedure for laying out ceiling joists.
  • Describe how to cut and install ceiling joists on a wood frame building.
  • Describe how to estimate the number of ceiling joists required for a building.

Learning Objective 2 – Identify common types of roofs used in residential construction.

Learning Objective 3 – Identify the components and define the terms associated with roof framing.

  • Identify the two types of dormers.
  • Describe how to use a framing square and a Speed Square™ for roof framing.

Learning Objective 4 – Describe the methods used to lay out a common rafter.

  • Explain how to lay out rafter locations.
  • Describe how to determine the length of a common rafter.
  • Explain the correct procedure for laying out and cutting a common rafter.

Learning Objective 5 – Describe how to erect a gable roof.

  • Describe how to install rafters.

Learning Objective 6 – Describe how to frame a basic gable end wall.

  • Describe how to frame a gable overhang.
  • Explain how to frame an opening in a roof.

Learning Objective 7 – Recognize the use of trusses in basic roof framing.

  • Identify the various types and components of trusses.
  • Identify the basics of truss installation.
  • Identify the basics of truss bracing.

Learning Objective 8 – Describe the basics of roof sheathing installation.

Learning Objective 9 – Describe how to perform a material takeoff for a roof.

  • Determine the materials needed for a gable roof.

Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1 (Learning Objective 1) – Lay out ceiling joists.

Performance Task 2 (Learning Objective 1) – Cut and install ceiling joists for a wood frame building.

Performance Task 3 (Learning Objective 1) – Estimate the number of ceiling joists required for a building.

Performance Task 4 (Learning Objective 4) – Lay out common roof rafters.

Performance Task 5 (Learning Objective 5) – Cut and install roof rafters for a gable roof.

Performance Task 6 (Learning Objective 6) – Frame a gable end wall.

Performance Task 7 (Learning Objective 7) – Erect a gable roof using trusses.

Performance Task 8 (Learning Objective 8) – Sheath a gable roof with an opening.

Performance Task 9 (Learning Objective 9) – Perform a material takeoff for a roof.


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